Another, when I asked her if I was allowed to re-straddle from UTG+1, said no but smiled as she said it. One of the friendliest (Annie?) is a local college student. The dealers are for the most part long-timers, skillful, and friendly. I think about 80-90% of the limit players are regulars who are there at least every week and on a first name basis with all the dealers and many of the other players. I don't play no limit, but it seems like usually 80% of the tables in the room are no limit, mostly low stakes. (A few years ago they had a 5/10 with full kill that was quite nice, but I haven't seen it in a while.) I can confirm that they generally have 1 or 2 tables of 3/6 limit going, sometimes they have the 4/8 with half kill. I'm in that room once a year for a weekend in early May.